Lurking; This acid bubbles and boils with anticipation.
It churns... then turns... and eventually burns its way up my esophagus and out of my body, spewing a hateful soliloquy of pain in every direction.
I am bound captive.
If only I could take a hot white ember of truth and cauterize the cavernous, cancerous acid within me. I would at once be free!
However, no; that would be too easy.
And as we all know, that which is easy rarely ever is of worth or permanence.
So I will let it burn, bubble, bleed and ooze; yet, at the same time, I will never allow myself to succumb completely or loose.
Yes, it is better to know and fight the evil of today, than succumb to the consequence of ignorance and cowardice.
So with this knowledge of weakness, what then is left for me to do... besides pray?
Yes, the acid is still there, but it is continually held at bay through the simple and silent power of a man's humble prayer.